Crowz Nest

Because it's time... as it was once before.

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Location: Port Murray, NJ

I'm a bit old to be starting out in life again, but that's where I am. Sadly. Or gladly. It's where I am. Come along. Watch the fun. Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dog days ...

It's August 1st. I think that's the official start of The Dog Days of Summer. It's hot. 6:00 p.m. and it's 97 F, with a heat index that makes it feel like 108. It's hot. It's actually astonishingly hot. When you walk out of our (over-) air conditioned office, your glasses steam up, and so does your skin, as you immediately break out into a fine sweat.

My garden is fading, but it's fading in a blast of glory. The cone flowers are sun-bleached, but the phlox is glorious. As the sun bakes it, all of its fragrance is released. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on my immediate point of view) I had the window air-conditioner installed in the bedroom yesterday, which means I had to close the window that's right above the garden.
I did love waking in the middle of the night, wondering what that floral scent was that was filling the room. If one has to lay awake in the middle of the night, it might as well be awash in the perfume of a night garden.

The white phlox has just bloomed. It has a light, powdery scent that I really like. And I love the way it makes the pinks pop.

And for the observant among you, I might add, that I got out there Sunday morning and weeded all that shaggy stuff in the front yard that shows up in the picture of the shades of lavendar phlox. That's the one picture I took before I weeded - which I did in 90 degree heat first thing Sunday morning - on my hands and knees, using the electric hedge clipper, because the weed wacker was out of string and I didn't feel like going to the store. I should get out there and take a picture of what a great job I did with the wrong tool!


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