Crowz Nest

Because it's time... as it was once before.

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Location: Port Murray, NJ

I'm a bit old to be starting out in life again, but that's where I am. Sadly. Or gladly. It's where I am. Come along. Watch the fun. Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The great impersonator

Things are not always what they seem. After the last few months of my life, I should know that. But, back to my story ...

I am a diligent poop-scooper-upper - more diligent than I have ever been before, possibly because I'm also the most diligent mower of lawns with whom I've ever lived, and the two go together very nicely. Just ask my Muck Shoes.

So, I ask you, what do you think this is?

Or this? I've used an intentionally fuzzy image because I'm often fuzzy myself when doing yard clean-up.

Toadstool. Mushroom. Fungus. Whatever. Fooled me. And now I know why the word "mushroom" is also a verb.

intr.v. mush·roomed, mush·room·ing, mush·rooms

1. To multiply, grow, or expand rapidly: The population mushroomed in the postwar decades.

The Lilies of the Valley are done. I have a new invasion. At least I keep up with it because I think it's poop. It's not. It's only the Great Poop Impersonator.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought they were rocks, but I'll take your word for it.


11:00 PM  
Blogger Knatolee said...

I live in fungus-land, so I spotted it right away.

Yesterday I had to pull out a crop of tiny yellow mushrooms growing at the base of the fern in my bathroom. I figure mushrooms growing in the bathroom were not a selling point for our house!

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually it's not Sedum stenopetalum
It is Sedum sarmentosum

I have been trying to find the name of this for many years and wrote to back in '06 and you insisited it was stenopetalum.
I am so glad I find out the true name

12:52 PM  

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